A throwback to when I tried to rescue a beautiful Crow
So I have just stumbled upon this Reddit thread, and my heart feels so wonderfully warmed to see all of you marvelous people that love and help crows just as much as I do. Ever since I was young, I have been so enchanted and charmed by crows & magpies.
In December 2023, I was exploring my local Christmas Market, when I happened upon a group of people taking photos of something on the ground behind one of the cabins. Intrigued, I approached this small crowd and looked down to find an extremely unwell crow - I was horrified. Bemused as to why no one was helping the poor thing, I took off my coat, and wrapped it around him, pleading to one of the vendors to bring me an empty box if they had one. I spent the next half an hour calling various veterinary practices and wildlife centres to see if they could help him, however there were cases of bird flu in the area, so each an every one refused.
Defeated, and unfortunately knowing that this sweet creature that laid in my eyes probably didn't have long left, I walked to a quiet church in the centre of town, and sat with him for two hours until he finally passed. I laid him to rest there, arranging flowers and leaves around him to Honor his life. I cried all night, and still remember him often. I hope he's indulging in all the nuts & shiny things somewhere better than this world.
Anyway, sorry for my ramble - this thread has made me think of him. I attached a drawing I did of him. Thanks for reading (if you in fact did)!