Does the cricut maker need “WiFi” turned on to connect?
Kind of a weird situation but to simplify:
Office computer has always run on WiFi, and I’ve always had my cricut in the office.
Recently we turned our spare bedroom into our craft room and have that computer hard lined as Ethernet only and moved the cricut to that room. This weekend I needed to do a cut and could not get Bluetooth to connect in maker space. Figured it was the PC and brought it back to the office for the cut.
Last week we got a wireless extender for the office pc and turned WiFi off to force it to use Ethernet
I could not get it to connect to the device in design space despite it being connected in my Bluetooth menu, tried for like an hour. I realized the only change was turning the WiFi off and after turning it on it immediately connected. Went to the craft room pc with the cricut and tried turning WiFi on there and it connected immediately as well despite not connecting with WiFi off. When I would turn it off, again design space would not connect.
Does the cricut maker with the new firmware / design space update require some sort of WiFi on the computer turned on for it to work? Or is this just some weird tech gremlin I have going on.