Just an update with being on the triple therapy for over a year now

Edit (11/02/2025): I've gone back to my old threads about microclots and triple therapy to inform you that it didn't work. The first time it seemed to help, but in hindsight I was likely already okay enough to exercise and just needed to actually do it and misattributed the boost in recovery to the therapy. In recent times when I got sick again and became a lot worse, I tried doing it for 14 months and it never helped in the slightest. I eventually figured out that the root issue was Nervous System Dysregulation and I'm now living a normal life after learning to calm my nervous system. You can read about that here if you're interested.

Been on the blood thinner triple therapy for over a year now. Got my recent microclot results back and there's still a lot of clotting, activated platelets and also endothelial debris.

I haven't had a single acute infection (whether a cold, covid, flu, stomach bug or otherwise) since I had covid in April 2023. Haven't been vaccinated since Feb 2022 and I was totally fine until Jan 2023 when I got sick with something that made it feel like I was swallowing a pinecone (I tested PCR negative for covid though).

This treatment is clearly not addressing the cause of my personal Long Covid. At best it is treating symptoms (i.e. trying to reduce clotting). All this clotting and platelet activation must be a downstream effect and there must be either immune dysregulation or viral persistence / debris or SOMETHING keeping this shit going.

I've had ZERO improvement with my situation since I got onto the meds in April 2023 (started the day of my covid positive test). I'm only staying on them since I'm scared what will happen if I stop and allow the clotting to go on without them.

I've been housebound since July 2023 and can't walk for more than a minute without trembling, fatigue and I get PEM extremely easily. I cannot lift anything upwards otherwise I crash. I have to find workarounds for everything. I left my apartment complex for the first time in 3 months the other day. Anyway, that's just my update. Trying my best here.