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Fitness program sales email:
Subject : How long will you lie to your self ?
Hey (name)
We both know, you want to improve your physique
But for some reason you can’t push yourself to do it.
Every time you look at someone with a great physique remember, that could have been you if you were not so lazy….
And your feelings are completely valid. Sometimes all we need is a bit professional guidance and someone to keep us accountable….
That’s where 100xfit, our new service can help you….
By enrolling in it, you will get personalized fitness program made specifically for you, one on one call with me every week and access to a community of likeminded people…..
Lucky for you we are giving out 20% discount to everyone who enrolls before march. So You will get all this for only (price)/month…..
Hope to see you in our program 100xfit
Thank you…