My personal conspiracy
This sub has been hijacked by a few right wing idiots and enough gullible people couldn’t tell jokes from reality, so they have fallen into the death spiral we see in here.
To the pleasure of many within this sub, I’ve decided to take a step away from not only this forum, but Reddit as a whole… I used to visit places like this to escape from reality for a couple minutes here and there, but lately, especially in here, I’ve seeing no difference between it and the real world. In both I find myself surrounded by uneducated Imbeciles that refuse to do even the slightest bit of research and instead spend their time regurgitating easily disproven lies. The constant moving of goalposts and backbreaking twisting of logic to turn every single thing done by Musk or Trump into some sort of miracle used to be frowned upon within these walls. Now, not only is it cheered, it is encouraged.
We warned of the events that would unfold, and as we foretold, every single part is coming to fruition. It’s gonna be tough for the foreseeable future for many of you. Some of us are lucky enough to not have to worry about what’s coming in the next few weeks and months, and fewer of us don’t have to worry about the next few years and on, but to the many of you not lucky enough to be in our shoes, and not happy with that state of affairs as they stand, I wish you the best of luck…
I leave you with one final note, and it’s fitting of this sub… to those who haven’t lost sight of reality and are just lurking in the dark waiting for normal to return, be strong. Know that at this very moment a group of very powerful people are working diligently to ensure all will be fixed and the recovery will begin. Without going into details, just note the year 2029, as it will be a pivotal moment in your history. Many of you will write this off as a joke, and a few will even chuckle, but make note of 2029, not within Reddit, as it won’t be around by then, but somewhere of importance to you.
Good luck and see you on the other side!