I am that rare PC player that switched to Console
Console players are shocked to hear this. Everyone wants to upgrade to a PC. I’ve PC gamed my whole life , worrying about frames and graphics for every game I play. Constantly replacing parts so I can run 60fps at minimum with max graphics.
Bought a console (series X) and will never look back. No stress, no worrying about my parts going out of date in a year, no fiddling with game graphic settings for hours before even enjoying the game.
Also as someone who works in front of a computer , tired of hunching over a desk on mouse + keyboard. Doesn’t even feel more tactical compared to sitting back in a nice chair or couch.
Don’t be ashamed of being a console player. Y’all are doing it right.
Insane value for these machines for 4K 60fps, sometimes even 120fps. My pc could never.