My hair is completely matted
I (19 f) work in a factory. I have to wear my hair in a bun everyday. When i first started i was so exhausted after my 12 hour night shifts that i would just go home and sleep. For about 5 months i didn’t brush my hair fully, I just kept tying it up in a bun.
I’ve had severe depression for years, this isn’t the first time its matted, but in high school i just kept it short so it couldn’t. Ive grown to really like my hair but its so matted at this point i don’t know what to do. Im too embarrassed to go to a salon about it, so on my off days i try to get it out myself, but it never works.
I feel so disgusting. When I take my hair-tie out after work now my hair just stays in the bun shape. I feel like im going to have to cut it, but i really don’t want to.