I loved what the Ultimate Universe did with the Punisher. (Ultimates #10 spoiler)

This isn't the first mention of the Punisher we've gotten in Earth 6160. In Captain America learning the history of the time he was frozen, there was a panel that showed Frank gunning people down. In this continuity Frank Castle became the Punisher in the year 1970 and from what I can infer was at large for multiple months in what is referred to as, "The Summer of Frank". This implies that he spent very little time as the punisher, and given that it's Frank Castle it was likely a violent end. I much prefer this to the way he exists in the mainstream continuity. An individual that while ostracized by society, continues to act without any large amount of intervention.

While there have been many great punisher stories over the years, and you can continue to write stories about him, it feels as if the character has a limited arc in continuity. I find Frank Castle's story is best when it plays out like a greek tragedy. He loses everything, walks a path of vengeance and despite reaching his goal of killing all the criminals in front of him, has merely cut out a single tumor instead of treating the illness. It tells the Punisher's story without the intention of glorifying his actions. And yet, even though he took those actions to destroy the criminal element, the issue tells us he inspired those who came after.

I understand the Soap Opera like nature of main continuity comics, but if the other shoe never drops for characters like Frank then it's no surprise that idiots think it's cool to appropriate the symbol and mimic his "war on crime".