If you’re comfortable, would you share your diagnosis?

I have my first colonoscopy Wednesday. I’m nervous about the prep, sure, but I’m even more terrified of the moment I open my eyes and the doctor will tell me I have cancer. I’ve been having health anxiety about this for months and on one hand I am ready for it to be over and know either way, but I’m also scared as f. I’m talking to my therapist, family etc and they all say “it could be a million things” or “it could be anything” and it leaves me wondering what else it could possibly be.

So if you’re comfortable, what diagnosis did you have that wasn’t cancer? I’m just looking to be a little less scared.

Thanks if you read this ❤️


Update: everything went well! I had two small polyps, internal hemorrhoids and diverticulitis. Overall I had a very positive experience. Thank you to everyone who replied to me yesterday. It really helped immensely to ease my anxiety.