Chemo timeline

I meet with the medical oncologist next week, my work LOA is asking when the FMLA paperwork will be sent in (not my actual work but the insurance company that pays out disability) I was told I’ll be doing chemo/radiation and maybe ivig (we are discussing it as an option). I didn’t really plan to work during chemo, having a 2 yo is hard enough (I work IT from home so it’s not horrible but I don’t know how chemo will hit me and I can’t just pop in and out how I want) What is the typical chemo time line? Like 14 days straight then 14 days rad? Or 21 days chemo off 7, 21 more days etc. I know they won’t all be the same but just getting an idea.

Edit to Update: we have a plan of action- 16 weeks- 8 Folfox infusions, MRI, CT, and then discuss with radiation and chemo combo and likely another round of Folfox. As we were doing our last round of IVF (implantation this year) we are hoping the radiologist can preserve my uterus and cervix (don’t care about ovaries- I’m in early menopause anyway) we meet with her tomorrow. Port goes in on 2/10 and first infusion is 2/11. I’m in Philly and it’s cold here- and I’m a diabetic with neuropathy and cold sensitivity since I was 8. I’ve gotten all my prep, and family is ready for the extra help. My boss is going to work with me on time and then I will take FMLA for the 5 weeks of radiation because driving, radiation and an almost 3 yo does not sound doable for me and keeping myself in a good mindset.