I didnt have luck with the breeder. The new puppy is pretty sweet and gentle but she is so timid and at times cowers…How do I make her less anxious and attached to me? Is it okay to rehome?
My other dog got a bit jealous the first day but warmed up to her pretty quick. He invites her to play but she is not interested at all. When she sees me she is zeroed in on me. Also very needy and it is putting me off. I know we still have a long way to go for her to settle but I am already thinking of rehoming her. She has been mostly okay but I feel no connection with her…And I feel so damn guilty now because ny other dog gets hesitant at times when I ask him to come over…I have almost been crying nonstop. Am I an asshole for this? Always had this fantasy of having a pair of dogs but I guess reality hit that I rather have just one on one time?