Its time to add more layers. Classic was never designed for servers with over 20k people

Its easy to imagine a regular classic server in 2004 with 1-2k people on it could easily support recipes, farming spots, equally split among all the farmers. But with only 3 layers on a server with 10k people, its getting kinda cramped when you have to share the ONLY spot for crusader recipe with 4 other people... It wouldnt be that bad if it was like, y know, 16:00,18:00,20:00. Y'kno, prime hours. But There's currently 4, 5 including myself in this tower on EVERY layer.. And its 3 AM on a weekday.

Idk, I may be ranting but this just doesnt feel like the server can handle its own population, we see it with black lotus, +4 stats to chest. The fact that the entire server gets ONE shot at a 9% drop chance recipe from Azuregos, no wonder its worth 7k gold.