AITAH for needing a boe
I was running Scholomance last night and the recipe for Flask of Supreme Spell power dropped. This recipe currently goes for around 400g on my server. I'm not an alchemist but I saw the recipe was 400g so I told everyone in group to roll need. Everyone rolled need and I won it. I had one of the dps complaining that they are actually an alchemist and it was unfair to have everyone rolled when they actually could've used it. My response was just because a BOE epic drops that l as the only warrior in a group full of casters could use doesn't just entitle me to it. I know this from experience because l've seen boe epics drop in 5 mans and everyone universally needs. If you want a high value item from a 5 man and you lose the roll you farm the gold and buy it off the AH like everyone else. Is this wrong tho? Am I the asshole in this situation?