I am not gatekeeping: How to mod Clash Royale

So a year later I have made a video about modding Clash Royale and it had reached some content creators.

Unfortunately, these people insisted on keeping this easy method a secret.

And I am reposting the method due to this "gatekeeping" situation

Eveeything you need: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14m_EtqLGNzfMBRjpjaJ6hDr5yBkoFgsx/view?usp=drivesdk

This was originally a youtube video but supercell just copystriked.

Tools you will need + description of the video:


1- Emulator with root access (I recommend bluestacks) 2- My CR Tools and Python (all tools except xcoder are open-source) 3- CSV editor (You can use any CSV editor) 4- MT Manager and Clash Royale 5- How and where to get CSV files 6- Decoding CSV 7- Insterting CSV

CSV editor I used in the video: https://github.com/ritsrivastava01/CSV-Editor

Some examples of what you can do with this method: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDarkPrinceEnjoyers/comments/1c3xw1r/ darkprince_destroys the_little_one/


☆ CR TOOLS: https://www.mediafire.com/file/gebf9ajte7kps5f/CR_Tools.zip/file

If you want to ask me any questions you can reach me on Discord: cilekkokteyli

Upvote so it can reach to as many people as possible.