I’ve deciphered the limericks
Not that it matters at this point, but if there’s anyone out there who likes to look back at all the clues & challenges like I do, I finally was able to put together the limericks.
Limerick 1:
On the mountain, there once was a lion (Hud = John Mellencamp) In a handmade rose dress, she was stylin’ (Naomi = Molly Ringwald) But her dancing was bad (Dedrick = Michael Jackson) And it made the town sad (Gracie Lou = Jon Cryer) So they shipped her right off to the island (Shane = Marlon Brando)
Limerick 2:
His toga was in disarray (Danny = Marc Anthony) On an oddly peculiar Friday (Miguel = Jamie Lee Curtis) He wrote a Honky Tonk song (Mackenzie = Trace Adkins) But his hair was too long (Adam = Michael Bolton) And his pompadour needed a spray (Jill = John Stamos)