Always ask people their age before hanging out...

I was walking around at a shopping centre in Northeast China when a girl suddenly asked to take a photo with me. She seemed friendly and excited to meet a foreigner, and then asked me to go to KTV. I had nothing to do at the time and sounded like an interesting adventure so I agreed. We hung out at the KTV for a while and then she asked me to go to play billiards, so I agreed. Halfway through the billiards, she asked me how old I am. I said "I'm 26 years old! How about you?". The entire time, I had assumed she was in her early 20s. She was smoking 🚬 during the time we were hanging out, she was taller than me and she just looked to be around 20-23. But no, she replied with "I'm 16". I nearly died. I asked her what year she was born, assuming I had heard something wrong and she said 'I was born in 2010". I typed "2010" into my phone and showed her to double check, and she confirmed that it was right. So that means she's counting using the traditional East Asian age system, meaning she's probably actually around 14-15 years old. At this point, I was expecting whoever the Chinese version of Chris Hansen is to enter the room and ask me to take a seat. I said "Thanks for showing me around, but I have to go!" and left.

I didn't do anything illegal or wrong, but I am ashamed to say that I (unknowingly) hung out with a 14 year old for a couple of hours. Next time I'll ask people their ages early on, Jesus Christ.....lesson learned.