“You might want children in the future”

"You might want children in the future"

"Hate is a strong word, don't say you hate kids"

"If you don't have any kids, my lineage will end"

"You're just a teenager, you shouldn't be making any big life decisions now"

These are a few of the things. My parents say to me when I tell them about my desire to be childfree. I seriously don't understand why this keeps happening. 1. I am lesbian. 2. I am asexual. 3. I am an antinatalist. 4. I hate kids. 5. Pregnancy is my biggest fear. I feel like those five reasons are pretty obviously mean I won't ever have kids or adopt kids. I mean, come on. Yes, I may be a teenager now, but I'm mature enough to know I will never want kids. That isn't going to magically change. And Istg, my dad keeps mentioning how his family has lasted for centuries and how I'll be ending it since I'm an only child and his brother didn't have any kids and blah blah blah. I don't care. He made the conscious decision to not have another kid after me, which I am thankful for every day. He should accept that he isn't getting any grandkids. My mom doesn't really care about that, but gets so upset when I saw I hate kids. But I do. I can't stand those little snotty nosed crotch goblins. I physically want to throw up whenever I see a baby. I refuse to look at any pictures from before I was 10 because it disgusts me so much. And yeah, I know I'm still technically a child. But there's a big difference between being a teenager and a toddler. I feel like I'm finally at the age where I can actually stand having friends who are my age instead of older than me.

Sorry for ranting, but it's just so annoying how my parents keep pressing this issue.