CMV: I find it dishonest when prolifers say having a child under the age of 25 won’t ruin one’s life or that they care about helping mom provide for baby after birth.

One thing I'll say is that I do believe pro lifers and pro choicers are both reasonably consistent within their own moral frameworks. As such, I don't have an issue with a person being either. Even as a pro choicer I do acknowledge there is a lot of ways to prevent pregnancy.

However, I've always had one "beef" with PLers, and it's not about the PL moral framework, but rather its t their claims that life isn't ruined from having a child under 25.

This seems like an odd hill to die one. I can understand "I believe a fetus is a person so thus I will force you to let the fetus be." I may disagree, but I understand this logic.

But to claim that someone can have their life not ruined by having a child under the age of 25 just feels wrong to me.

One thing I will say is that I've been in many groups of guys both prolife and pro choice and mixed and it seems to be a universal belief among us that having a child that young will ruin a person.

I agree with prolifers that, from their perspective, the quality of the life of fetus and mother is irrelevant to the argument.

But I will say that I really dislike it when prolifers say that having a child under the age of 25 will not ruin one's life or that prolifers (or pro choicers or anyone) will aid after the baby is born, when I personally believe, rightly or wrongly, that very few on either side of this debate really cares about helping the mother provide for the baby after birth.