Do I have a chance at Stanford REA?
GPA: 4.0UW
SAT: 1520(790m, 730e), 1540 Superscore, retake?
Demographics: Northeast, Middle Class, Asian Male😭
Major: CS😭(i love it) & Economics
APs: AP Calc BC, APUSH, AP Bio (Jr. Yr); Self-Studied: AP Precalc(5), AP Comp Sci A(5) (Soph. Yr), AP CSP(4)💀 (Fresh.)
- School Independent Research Program
- Research Intern at T5 tech company
- Research Assistant at T5 University in Europe
- FRC Robotics Team Captain & Co-Founder
- Volunteer Math Tutor
- Programming Club Co-President
- Economics Club Co-President
- Research Fellowship: did robotics research at university overseas
- President of largest hackathon in region for students
- Economics data visualization blog
Won't say too much about the specifics of my ECs but they are pretty quantifiable and I've worked really hard for each one.
- A* Conference Workshop Paper 1st-Author
- State Research Fair 1st Place
- USA Computing Olympiad Gold
- PVSA Gold
- AP Scholar💀(replacing this ASAP)
College List: Stanford, Ivies, MIT, NYU, Berkeley, Duke, CMU, Gtech, UMich, Purdue, UMD, State Schools
Please be honest. What are areas I can improve in? Am I on the right track to Ivies and CS T20s? Thoughts on college list? Thanks in advance!