First visit back in over 10 years today! Had so much fun and can’t wait to return

My mom and I got gold passes this year on a whim during the Labor Day sale and today was our first day back at the park in over a decade. We had so much fun and I was happy to see how nice the park still is after all these years.

We were there for almost 12 hours and rode (in order):

  1. Millennium Force
  2. Skyhawk (twice)
  3. Magnum
  4. Blue Streak
  5. Giant Wheel
  6. Maxair (my mom rode twice, I didn’t attempt - I get motion sickness easily from spinning rides and this one looked dicey)
  7. Iron Dragon
  8. Gatekeeper

We also hit some more lowkey attractions (train ride, old timey cars, etc).

All in all my favorites were MF (of course), Iron Dragon (my first ever rollercoaster as a kid and still so good) and Gatekeeper. The inversions on Gatekeeper made me a bit woozy afterwards but it was worth it for the ride - it was my first time riding it and I loved the intensity and the soaring feeling.

Really wanted to hit Steel Vengeance but it was closed all day :( and Valravn, but the wait was always around 45 min and they kept shutting it down for maintenance on and off.