Feel awful but don’t want to give up

I started bupropion on 150 mg for two weeks, felt great and lively , a little anxious but fine. Then I increased to 300mg. I also had my 25th birthday and some work changes at the same time of increase and generally had a quarter life crisis, cried for a few weeks straight. Since that lil breakdown, I’ve barely left my bed except to go to work. I realllyyyy have to force myself to get up n get groceries. I still do my tasks but it makes me miserable. It just feels like nothing is working / it’s all artificial/temporary. I engage in hobbies & try to do “self care”. But I just hate everything and feel stuck still & im wasting away my 20s being depressed.

I don’t know if I should stop taking them, or go back down to 150mg. I’ve tried really hard to just wait it out. I also don’t have a consistent doctor/psychiatrist to go for support (Canada healthcare, iykyk) .

Advice n tips n opinions are appreciated!!!!!!