
I had surgery this afternoon today to get my right ovary removed due to a cyst. Besides anesthesia, in recovery they gave me morphine and Dilaudid. That was about 6 to 7 hours ago. Do you think it’s safe to breast-feed my baby? I had pumped enough milk to get him through the day but he does like to dream feed at night. I wasn’t sure if it would be OK to do so. I asked the anesthesia team and the CRNA told me that it is fine to breast-feed, but he’s old school he says, and recommended to pump and dump. A part of me wants to just do it just to be safe but I’m not sure, anybody else has experience with breast-feeding after surgery? I will also like to note that it took me a while to get conscious enough where I feel like I wasn’t so tired or sedated. for pain medicine they prescribed me Percocet, but truthfully, I don’t even know if I wanna take it either because it took so long for me to just feel OK after the two other narcotics. I guess I’m just worried about sedation effects in my baby who is four months old. I also exclusively breast-feed and I only pumped so he had milk for today but hindsight I wish I did more so that’s my fault. He also nurses for comfort. Smh I’m a horrible mom