Tongue tie - to correct or not
Has anyone not corrected their baby’s tongue tie? My LO was diagnosed with posterior tongue, upper lip, and both cheek ties. During her first 1-2 weeks we really struggled with breastfeeding ( nipple pain, poor latch, choking). Now at 2 months old, the only issues we experience are occasional open mouth/mouth breathing during sleep (mostly when baby is in an upright position/on our chest), shallow latch/clicking, and baby gets a lot of gas after feeds. I feel like the gas makes her VERY fussy and kinda ruins our day since she experiences it with each feed. There is no nipple pain and baby is gaining weight great. I am not sure if we should go through with the tie correction or not. I feel horrible that she gets such bad gas, but I also do not want to put her through a procedure unless she really needs it. I am worried about the procedure making breast feeding even worse or not helping at all. I also feel like the tongue tie specialist has scared me about all the possible things that she could experience when she gets older if she doesn’t get it corrected (speech difficulties, sleep apnea, the doctor even connected it to ADHD). I am so unsure if we should get the ties corrected or not! I feel like as she grows she is getting so much better at feeding, but some days/weeks are definitely worse than others.
Pic of baby girl so this doesn’t get lost