Baby won’t nurse on left boob

She has been like this for like 2 months(she’s 4.5 months), she will pick a side to eat from and will refuse to eat from the other side. 2 weeks ago she was only nursing on my right boob and totally refusing my left boob now she only nurses from the left side and refuses the right.

I’m at a loss, I’ve tried everything. Everyone i ask what to do’s only advice is “maybe you’re not making enough milk” which is really annoying and unhelpful because I know I am making enough. When I pump I get 5 oz from each side within 5-10 minutes so I’m pretty sure that’s an oversupply. And I can see the milk coming out of the side of her mouth because she refuses to swallow and just cries. Also she’s in the 96th percentile for weight so she’s eating and latching fine.

Its not my letdown either (I had strong letdown issues in the beginning but it’s not an issue for us anymore)

This is getting really tiring and discouraging to only be able to feed her from one side for weeks at a time. I try to pump on whatever side she doesn’t eat from to prevent it from getting too full and to keep up my supply but I hate pumping tbh i just want to exclusively nurse. She also refuses bottles so I couldn’t try that even if I wanted to.

I’ve tried dark quiet room, waiting untill she’s sleepy, switching her from favorite boob to other side in the middle of nursing, side lying position, etc. I just don’t know what to do anymore.