Need to say thank you!!

I need to give you all a huge think you for helping me before I went to my first infusion with all your tips and tricks and things to look out for. It was one of the most nerve-wracking experiences of my life. I don't have a port, so they had to find IV access, which they had trouble doing. Almost had to bring out the U/S machine to get it. And my blood pressure was through the roof. They had to give me meds to bring it down. But I got through the infusion, and did ok. I just had my Edenyca shot yesterday and they weren't lying about the bone pain. Today I'm feeling not so hot, but I think if it weren't for the sage advice I've received here to hydrate × 10000000, it might would be worse. So far, this seems bearable, like i just might be able to do it.