31F just diagnosed yesterday

i still can’t believe it… im in shock. I got the call yesterday. My biopsy came back for invasive ductal carcinoma grade 3 triple positive. i have my first appointment with a surgical oncologist this Friday.

i never checked myself regularly because i never thought to.. being pretty young and healthy and active.. though i do have a family history, my aunt on my moms side had breast cancer (but im not sure of the specifics, as she lives in a different country). my husband was the one that ending up finding a lump on my left breast in the beginning of January, i had no other symptoms, i saw my obgyn the same week and she ordered a mammogram and ultrasound that i had done on Feb 14. My report was BIRADS 4B and was ordered a biopsy for March 6 and i got the call yesterday March 11.

just looking for some support / words of encouragement as i truly was expecting benign results. what usually happens next? more testing first? Surgery? Chemo? im came here from the /doihavebreastcancer group which was helpful, but im a little new and confused to what the abbreviations in this group means