I think I’m done for real this time

I am soooooooo tired of being the sole primary parent to 3 young children (8, 5, 18mo) while my “partner” does whatever the fuck he wants. It’s currently 10:36am, I’ve been up since 7:30 with all the kids, while he snores away on the couch. He sleeps on the couch 5/7 nights because he stays up till 4am playing his fucking ps5. I am over his bullshit. I am tired of being a single parent while in a “relationship” with this “man”. I’ve tried leaving him before, but he wouldn’t leave me alone, and I suck at holding boundaries, and then he baby trapped me with a third (who I love but really didn’t particularly want, abortion is illegal in my state). And I am just really fucking over hating my life and especially the weekends. Going to work (in a shit toxic petty environment) feels like a break, which is fucking sad.