Does anyone ever think about how screwed their kids would be if you were to suddenly pass away?
To start, my kids would go to my husband, and that’s why I think they would be screwed.
He’s not abusive or anything but sometimes he’s just completely clueless. There’s days where I come home from running errands and I ask him what the kids ate today “uhh well [our 1 year old] had a bottle of milk and [our 3 year old] had a granola bar and graham crackers” it’s like 1pm!! That’s all they had to eat today?
He’s a homebody and if it wasn’t for me our kids would hardly ever go to the park, museum, etc or do much of anything.
Our 3 year old is autistic and its always been up to me to do research on communication techniques and therapies. I fear if I pass away he will never get potty trained or get the resources he needs.
He also gets burnt out easily and will just let the kids sit in front of the tv for hours. I’m not anti-tv at all but if he had it his way he would have the tv on all day, including brainrot YouTube videos.
It also bothers me that if I were to pass away, he would move back home across the country to his parents. His parents do not do ANYTHING to help us. Whenever we visit them, they barely interact with our kids and will just sit in front of the tv all day. They have never offered to babysit or anything.
My husband isn’t stupid, he works a director level job, and the things he talks about during work meetings always impresses me. He is a good dad who makes our kids laugh and he tickle fights them and wrestles. But he’s just…clueless and careless sometimes. I think a lot about how if I were to die suddenly how my kids would be :( does anyone else worry about his?
For the record, I’m not that strict on junk food and tv, but I can just see that being their reality all day every day if I wasn’t around.