Bonsai in an american long haul semi truck?
I’m a long haul trucker and I always start to feel at home when I return to the pine forests of the Pacific Northwest. I’d love to bring a little slice of home with me on the road so I’ve been thinking of growing a small grove of Douglas Firs about a foot tall under a grow light in my sleeper cab. I’d love to have a realistic looking miniature forest, a small slice of home to take with me on the road. I’ll have to do some reorganizing to get it to fit in my cab, so I’ll probably get them started at home before transferring to the truck. My partner has a strong interest in bonsai (her wanting to try it is what got me interested) so she’s more then willing to look after it while I’m gone.
Issue is, I’m long haul; coast to coast and border to border all across the united states for at least a month at a time. I can travel through temperate rainforests, frozen mountains, hot deserts, and sweltering swamps in the span of a week. While I have some climate control, extremes can overwhelm my heater or AC and I have no humidity control. (I’m worried that a humidifier can cause my windows to fog) Also, when I take a few days at home my truck will be shut off, temps could easily be well below freezing or well over 100 degrees for 3 to 5 days.
Is there anything I can do to make bonsai in a semi viable, or would I end up perpetuating the stereotype of truckers being [tree] serial killers?