This is the second time they’ve left Ernest Dickerson for the slaughter yo
Like genuinely what is needs to happen to get Dickerson on the main feed. There was once a time where cool people like Nancy Meyers could win March Madness but I feel like those days are long gone. Like its literally fine it doesnt matter that much, but I would really like someone who is not some totemic filmmaker to win. Or at least someone with some weird shit. I feel like a learned my lesson last year with Lynch and now I only vote on things I think would make the most interesting series. I always get bummed every year cause the low seeds never even have a chance and its like, why would anyone want a No Country for Old Men episode over a Dr Mabuse episode, do I have to wait 10 more years before we talk Scarlet Street?? Heres hoping Spike Lee just wins this time like he shouldve last year