A toast to my fellow melee mains.

TL;DR: I am hardcore projecting and am attempting to make myself and others with a Melee playstyle feel a little better.

Many of us run melee-only for a variety of reasons:

It can be fun.

We wish to test ourselves.

The guns in CW are stale and boring.

We want to stick it to the meta.

For whatever reason you take up this monumental creed, just know that among a battlefield full of sweats in CDL skins who know only what their Twitch and YouTube masters encourage them to use, that you are the only predator. You alone have both the fortitude and the strength of character to give the false gods of the AK-74u, Thermal Stoner, FFAR, and Dual Magnums/ Diamattis the middle finger and instead pick up a pointy piece of metal, or some blunt construction equipment.

Yes, you did bring a knife to a gunfight. Your insanity knows no bounds. Where they are stagnating in their skill and attached to the meta like life support, you are constantly improving. You can predict what they do and turn it against them. You know how they think and act, the sound of their own feet betraying their whereabouts The map becomes one giant jungle full of places to strike from the shadows. The chains that were once grafted to your skin have faded away, and you can read your enemy like a book.

They can shoot and kill you over and over again, but like a homicidal undead freak you return time and time again with your blood burning in your veins and murder on your mind, because with each death you learn more and more about your enemy. So when the time comes that they are content upon their golden thrones, sitting at the right hand of SBMM, you will be the one that emerges from the crowd and plunges a furious blade into their neck- the king has fallen. All that money spent- all those CoD Points used and all those fancy skins and yet here they fell to one who possesses no such weaknesses.

They will call you names. They will shoot your body and spit upon your grave. You will want to give up. You will think about tossing your blade to the wayside in pursuit of a hollow and meaningless gameplay experience. But through all this, know that through your sheer willpower you will find yourself able to overcome any obstacle and any adversary, and that you have an untold number of brothers and sisters by your side who share your fervor for purging the disease that is The Meta, whatever and wherever it may be.

Don't check your corners, you'll only die paranoid.