Male-Centered Friends
I have a friend right and she’s straight and I’m gay. Since I’ve known her she’s been male-centered. When we first met, we weren’t that close and that’s when the MC was HEAVY! Over the years, we’ve gotten closer & she’s calmed down with it (from what I’ve seen, we live in different cities so irdk) but it’s still present. Few weeks ago, I went to hang out with her and stayed at her apartment for the weekend. While I’m there, she’s trying to link up with like 2 dudes, one came over and they went into the bedroom while I’m on the couch…. And it’s like you can’t wait till I leave TOMORROW to do this lmaoo??!? I haven’t seen her since like December and it’s like you can’t wait 2 DAYS till I leave. Then while I was there I was like “we should plan a trip out of town!” and she’s like “ouuu we should go to Houston…..bc so & so stay out there and he said…” so I go “maybe that’s a trip for just yall 2” in a lbvs way. & she goes “noo like yk he cool and he got a homeboy who cool” AGAIN I’M GAY WHY TF WOULD I WANT TO DO THAT?!?!? …….i don’t think i can deal with this much longer like fr. The crossroads im at is that that’s the ONLY thing that irritates me about her. Not only am i gay, but i DON’T believe ANYONE should center men in ANY capacity…ts is not a good trait to have.
Also, when we first met and weren’t close, she found out that I was gay and not straight, and when we would be around dudes like on campus, she would be QUICK to say “oh she gay” just bc I would be having a conversation with a dude. But I do feel like she has insecurity issues and I feel like that’s gotten better too but idk I feel like it adds to the situation in some way.