Side effects of Kyleena? (Vaginal irritation and pain)

I just got my Kyleena inserted about 10 days ago and the insertion was easy and I had virtually no cramping or pain for the first week or so but about 3-4 days ago I started experiencing this irritating feeling around my vulva and in my vagina?

It’s like an achy, soreness, dry, burning feeling that started to ramp up out of nowhere. It kind of feels like something is in there that shouldn’t be and feels swollen inside. I have experienced unexplained irritation in my vagina/urethra but it usually last maybe minutes to an hour and goes away with more hydration. It also feels very dry and theirs no discharge of any kind and no foreign smell.

I’m gonna see my doctor about this but I wanted to know other women’s experiences if this was normal?

It’s really bothering me and I really don’t want to have to take if out, I have really bad health anxiety and was nervous to get an IUD in the first place so this is stressing me out.