How much has medication changed or helped you?

Before I got medication I didn’t leave the house for 7 years and was very angry and not that same person in the slightest but now on medication I notice depression in episodes but I haven’t been manic in 4 years.

I have a different personality I’m a completely different person and it’s not just those years I was unwell I have things back from childhood that I still feel bad about. I feel like I’m the best I’ve ever been and it feels like I’ve completely changed , I’m embarrassed to see people who knew me from my “crazy” years , I never get angry now and even my views on things have changed, I even look different, much healthier.

when I didn’t leave the house for 7 years I didn’t notice episodes it was like I was sick 24/7 , the episodes that got me medicated was a year long manic episode but I don’t know what was going on those other years I feel like I was bouncing from psychotic mania and psychotic depression there was no stable moments I was “ crazy” the whole time

I can’t add it to the title but I am also wondering , were you ever sick for years? Like if you’re not on meds can you actually be stable ?