How is your 2025 going so far?

It’s been an absolute shit show for me. I thought things were turning around in January.. but I was deeply mistaken. I got a good job and was happy to be working again and out of depression but I think I was too excited that I was a bit hypomanic. Unfortunately, I didn’t notice until after the fact.

I ended up getting fired for the first time ever in the beginning of February and it put me in a horrible mixed episode. I spent so much money on gambling and I’m just struggling to stop myself because I only have a very little bit of money left and I need to feed me and my dog. I’ve lied to my friends and said I left the job instead of the reality. I feel so lonely and down and like a failure. I’m struggling to find a job now and literally almost admitted myself the other day due to SI & almost SH.

Oh, I also got my heartbroken from someone I barely knew but they ghosted me even though we had good chemistry. This was the second time they did this to me and I’m so sad cause ofc I was hypomanic and thought they were the one. I gave up on dating then and it feels like I can only date someone who also has bipolar.. thing is, it never turned out well when I have.

Definitely not in a good place right now but I’m trying to keep pushing through. I really hope things look up for me because I don’t know how much longer I can last.