Solo female (mid20) do the east of west Africa route? (If west how are the visas nowadays anyone has experience on that?) looking for sincere advices 🤗✨

Hello everyone, I am a solo female cyclist and have already do some tours always starting from Central Europe, the biggest ones include cycling to china and the nord-cap. I am physically really fit. Sadly I only have 3months to make this tour possible. It‘s the west of east Africa the „better“ choice if so why and why not? I did some research pre hand but would love to hear more experienced stories and advices. You can’t do too much research right? Big thanks in advance and happy Christmas season to everyone :)

Hello everyone, I am a solo female cyclist and have already do some tours always starting from Central Europe, the biggest ones include cycling to china and the nord-cap. I am physically really fit. Sadly I only have 3months to make this tour possible. It‘s the west of east Africa the „better“ choice if so why and why not? I did some research pre hand but would love to hear more experienced stories and advices. You can’t do too much research right? Big thanks in advance and happy Christmas season to everyone :)