My daughter is sick with something but I don't know with what.

So my daughter is 12 months old and she is sick with something and I feel God awful not being able to take it away. So firstly she does have a fever of 39°c, a very bad cough, very runny nose, phlegm stuck in her throat, a raspy cry, fatigued, little appetite for solids but will take her bottle still, sometimes her eyes look like they're only half open but most of the time they're normal, she sweats like crazy overnight, dark circles under her eyes and there was 1 day she had retracting ribs when she was breathing. Sometimes she will stop breathing all together while sleeping and will wake up to a bad coughing fit. We're currently on day 7 of whatever this is, I'm pretty sure it's either a really bad cold, the flu or RSV. My husband doesn't want to take her in because when she is awake she seems alert and will continue playing for a little bit but is mostly miserable, she also has her DR appointments on Monday in 2 days and I would feel like crap making her wait 2 days for our convenience. Idk what to do, do I listen to myself and take her in, do I listen to my husband and just wait 2 days? I absolutely hate seeing and hearing my daughter cry every day with whatever this is, it breaks my heart. I'm also very emotional because I'm 28wks pregnant with our 2nd.