Baby on the way but we’re not together?

So long story short, I got pregnant by this man the very FIRST time we slept together, just my luck. I met him 2 years ago but it was an on&off talking stage, it never really went anywhere. That should’ve been my red flag I guess. I’m currently 11 weeks now and I’ve expressed to him in the past how much I wanted us to be a family, and we agreed to try to work things out as a couple, but again, it never goes far before it crashes. He mentioned how excited he was to be a first time dad at 30, and blah blah blah, but I just don’t want to have to go through another pregnancy alone every night and raising a baby in two separate households. I already have one son I went through this with & it completely broke me. I’ve always dreamed of having a FAMILY and being happy but I still can’t get that. I just found out he’s on dating sites and when I mentioned it, he stated “I’m always trying to argue”. He said a few choice of words that hurt my feelings as well, but I talked my sh.*t back too lol. He blocked my phone number after that fight, it’s been a few days and I haven’t heard anything from him. I’m so angry as to why I’m good enough to sleep with and get pregnant, but not good enough to have a family with. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I’ve honestly been thinking about terminating this pregnancy and just never speaking to him again. I’m so heartbroken that I have to go through this again because of my stupid choices. 11 weeks pregnant and I’ve seen this man all of TWO times since we’ve slept together. He’s always too busy to see me, but free when it has anything to do with seeing his friends or going fishing, to the bar, on dates with other women, etc. It’s ridiculous.