Babysitting a 3 month old
FTM here and my husband and I are having a bit of a disagreement about who can watch our baby. So some back story. We just moved houses and have to clean the other one. He says I should let his dad’s girlfriend watch our baby alone bc she is retired. However here are something I am nervous about as I get immense anxiety even thinking about leaving my baby alone with anyone even with my own parents
she has kissed our baby multiple times even after we told her not to and asked why not when we told her not to
she doesn’t support our baby’s head much when holding her especially in the beginning when she didn’t have much head control and when gently corrected she told us were helicopter parents
He says I need to utilize her bc she’s retired however she’s only been with his dad for a few years and they were long distance most of it so she was only around for a couple weeks at a time up until a year ago when they moved in together. I just don’t feel comfortable with her watching my baby alone when she has displayed these actions and my husband keeps getting mad at me when I say no and when on the phone with him last said if I don’t he’ll make the executive decision to let her and I said good luck getting my baby alone without me the fuck???
I also breastfeed and give pump a couple bottles a day as I’m returning to work next month however we are able to avoid daycare as we can work opposite shifts so she won’t be watched by anyone but us until she starts school.
The new house is also a 45 min drive away
She also has a problem with choking on her bottles and even the boob bc she eats to fast so I reaaaaly don’t trust anyone alone with her.
Am I overreacting ? Any advice welcome please