Is my 5 month old sleeping too much?
Don’t get me wrong I’m not complaining about this but I am worried she may be sleeping too much. My baby started sleeping in her crib as soon as she was sleeping through the night without needing to feed around 6 weeks. She would sleep 10-12 hours a night. This was up until 3.5 months-5 months. She was having nights she was still doing this but some nights she would wake up several times or only sleep about 6 hours, etc.
We went out of town this weekend and she slept great in her Pack N Play both nights we were gone. She napped some but we did a lot of walking around and sightseeing so not as much napping in a comfortable spot.
Since we have been back, she slept about 10 hours this first night back then yesterday she slept all day except to eat, poop/pee, get a diaper change, then back to sleep and this went on a few times. Around 5 she ate a ton and then we went to dinner, she stayed awake that whole time and then went to sleep when we got home and slept about 10 hours again and today has had nearly the same routine. Sleep, wake up CRANKY, eat, diaper change, back to sleep. She has developed a lot of new abilities in the last week or two— she’s really interested in grabbing EVERYTHING, she found and is obsessed with her feet, she rolled over in her bed for the first time, she’s mimicking me when I wake noises at her, and she’s very giggly and smiley. So when she wakes up cranky that has been easily handled with a bottle. But gosh she’s just sleeping so much is it really just from all the new milestones and abilities she’s developed?
Please no negative comments about “you should be grateful she’s sleeping good”, I am but Its also all of the sudden and out of the norm for our day to day so I just want to be sure this is a normal experience.