I would greatly appreciate any advice! I am in a very bad place.
I will make a looong story short on how I got here. Last year, Endo Pharmaceuticals messed up bad on multiply occasions throughout 2024 giving people, 2 mg of klonapin instead of 1mg. Essentially overdosing everyone due to a label printing error.
I found out late November 2024, that I was being overdosed for nearly the entire year. Currently, I take .5mg klpn daily and I can barely function. I have a very bad memory and endless with-drawl symptoms going on now for months. My symptoms are all over the map ranging from life threatening blood pressure ( 190/111 HR 103), sever depression and horrible neurological symptoms. Most days Im in bed, light hurts my eyes, constant ringing in my ears..etc… So far I have been to a cardiologist, and a few other doctors and everyone is stuck on exactly what to do. My question is, dose going up in dose get rid of these symptoms or what helps a benzo with-drawl? Every time I go down in dose, Everything intensifies and my BP ends up 190/100 or in that range. Clonadine didn’t help with my BP at all. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I honestly am hanging on by a thread.