The birth of a great power

I've recently discovered a great history YT channel. Not only they draw beautiful maps, but seems they also frequently cover less cliched topics, like the Seven Years War.

Out here is a very good video about Union of Lublin which created Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. They described reasons and the course of the Union quite in detail:

When talking about it, some raise the question of Ukrainian voivodeships handed over to Poland during the Union. I'd like to mention one overlooked fact here. After defeat of the Teutonic Order Poland didn't have any enemies any longer. In contrast Lithuania had many: Moscow, Crimea Khanate, and hecne also potentially the Ottoman Empire, potentially also Sweden (compare I Northern War). So handover of Ukrainian voivodeships transfered many problems from Lithuania to Poland.

What do you think about Union of Lublin? Good? Bad? Average?