Looking for suggestions for EVERYTHING hygiene and post-shower related

I've never had a committed washing routine with permanent products that are meant for my hair, body and face. I usually use whatever is around and hope that it works... but I want to change that! I'm looking for a few things and recommendations.

- I have ultra-sensitive skin and want to avoid strong fragrances, subtle is better. My price range per product would be $5-$20 per item. I'm looking for in shower body oils/soap, bar soap, gentle exfoliators, after-shower body oils, maybe hair-care suggestions for wavy hair.

I'm not sure what smells I'd prefer. I used to have a 100% pure peach soap bar, and it was AMAZING, but it's discontinued. I also loved the Glossier Body Hero wash! I don't like lavender, and usually go towards vanilla and patchouli. Something 'elegant' and subtle. Crossing my fingers for some of you to work your magic!