Prove My Boyfriend Wrong
Hello Bar Takers. Godspeed to you all. I know it is rough for you guys but you got this. Anyway, my boyfriend claims he can pass the Bar exam right now without studying or ever going to Law School. Would anyone know where I can find a complete Bar Exam for him to take to prove him wrong and check his ego?
Update: Hello everyone. Thank so much for all your help, support, and relationship advice. He started the test and very early on realized he was not going to pass it and we laughed about it. He can be a bit of a narcissist but I am too. We are both nerds that excelled in our respective fields. We often get into playful arguments about who is smarter and challenge each other to do things like take the bar exam randomly on a weeknight. I love my little nerd and think he is the smartest person in the world and he tells all our friends and our families the same thing about me. I love him deeply and will not be breaking up with him.
The bar exam was the worst experience of my life. I wish you guys the best of luck. Studying for the bar was probably the smartest I have ever been and dumbest I have ever felt. It will come in waves. Some days you will feel on top of the world and some days you will feel like the dumbest person alive. If you are reading this you have already found the secret to this whole experience, which is to rely on the other people going through the same thing as you and support one another as you get through it. You will get through it. We all have/had family members, partners, friends etc. who do not get the struggle of studying and taking this exam. Just know I see and get you and I believe in you random internet stranger. You got this 😊