Pear stopped eating

Hi everyone!

I need some advice.

Pear hasn't been eating for a little over a month. I am worried because he never refused a meal before, so him not eating for so long has me stressed.

I know balls can go on hunger strikes, but considered he's still young and growing I don't think it's okay.

He's in a 120 gallon, and temperatures and humidity have always been right. (I added a picture of the enclosure just in case. The dome has been replaced by a cage by now :) ) I feed frozen thawed and make sure the rat is appropriately heated with a meat thermometer. I normally warm in water, but recently also been trying with a hairdryer. Last meal I brained the rat, but still nothing. If he doesn't strike on the tweezers I leave it in the enclosure overnight, but in the morning it's still there.

He's interested and comes up close flicking his tounge, but after a bit he just leaves. He's also active during the day and almost always sits on his favorite branch.

He isn't looking skinny, but he did loose some weight. The pictures I added were made in the last few days.

I have a vet appointment set for next week, but I'm just wondering if anyone else here has tips or clues in the meantime.

Thanks a lot💫