Roommate’s girlfriend left a shit in the toilet as a present for me

This is a bit longer than intended, but I have mentioned this girl (27F) before on this reddit ( and this is a sort of conclusion to the saga . My roommate (27M) and I (27M) had a long talk about her effectively moving in and not being on the lease. She found a job next to our place and started staying over almost every day and would be at the apartment (nyc 2 bed one bathroom) when neither of us are there. I told him that I did not sign a lease to live with another person and after a bit of back and forth he had a talk with her and she took all of her stuff out of the apartment and left. It’s been about a week now and she has not been back.

When I came home from work on the day she moved out, there was a shit in the toilet. This has happened many times before as she frequently does not flush the toilet after she uses the bathroom. I confronted my roommate about it (see pictures) and he said she didn’t do it on purpose. However, a mutual friend of mine said that he received a message from her that she “left a present for me on my way out”. I just confronted my roommate about it and said he doesn’t believe that she would do something like that, and it was just a coincidence.

When I asked why she would do that, my roommate said that she’s not mad that I “kicked her out”, she’s mad that I said in my discussion with him that she’s was taking advantage of him. During our talk I said that she can take advantage of him all she wants but it’s a problem once she starts taking advantage of me and living in a place that I have to pay for for free. I understand that I was pretty harsh with my words and she was laid off from her corporate job about 2 years ago and only recently entered the work force as picking up a cashier job at the grocery store across the street. During her two year work hiatus and still currently he pays for most her things, and she was living in his shared apartment for free. When there was a bit of a compromise that you can see on my previous post, he was paying extra utilities for her, so that’s why I said she was taking advantage of him. He said I shouldn’t have said that because she’s not taking advantage of him as she’s his girlfriend and that’s what boyfriends do when your partner has not worked for that long.

Also, note that I did not tell either of them that she should quit her job, but I guess since she’s not living at my place anymore she does not want to work near by.

Hopefully this is the conclusion to this saga, as she has finally moved out, at the cost of one last shit in the toilet.