Nightmare roommates won't even pay electric, what can i do? Help

Big update at the bottom: Everything started out fine. We all hung out and were happy. It's me (22f) my fiancé S (30m) and my roommates who are a couple J(32m) and C(28F) and their 6/yo. They destroy the house, but they do clean it up after a couple days. They got this nightmare dog (wrote a post about her) that destroyed my dogs kennel I let them borrow, she tears up anything she can find when she gets out. C leaves coochie blood smeared on the toilet seat, leaves poop covered wet wipes on the bathroom counter. J pisses all over the toilet seat and never cleans it up. Right now there is moldy cereal in the kitchen, never noticed as i never really use the kitchen. Heres the thing. They did all of this, have an AC they agreed to keep in the living room (i offered to buy one cause i had the money at the time, now i dont) so it would cool down the whole apartment, and moved it to their room so now every time we need it cooled down we gotta ask them to open their door. I could've gotten past the AC thing, BUT. The ENTIRE TIME we lived here they havent paid ANY of the electric, or the internet. Which the internet isnt usually an issue as i could usually cover it but the one time i asked for help they refused and didnt pay electric either. C even had the audacity to send a nasty text about how we havent bought "necessities" (they only bought toilet paper and soap twice) and that we havent bought dog food (my dog has been on the same bowl of food for 3 weeks, a bag of his food lasts us 2 months and her dog went through 2 of OUR bags in less than a month) and also went on to say we need to buy food for them (we've only ever eaten household meals that we make too and occasionally they've OFFERED a totinos pizza.) We are struggling to pay these bills for them. I kicked C off my internet for what she said and is doing. The electric is in my name but we all use it and its required by the apartment complex, which the apartment is in mine, S, and J's name. Is there a way i can legally get J to pay their part of electric? The power box is in our room so should we find the switch to their room and keep it off until they pay? What can/ should i do here? I can't keep paying for adult children.

Update: the comments were helpful and we know not to turn off the breaker box and we are going to start hiding our stuff we share in our room. We are also taking steps to earning more income so we can afford to move out. More updates in the comments

Update: If anybody still reads this posy, they said they will be paying electric and i didnt even have to get the contract or any threats involved. My fiancé just had a chat with them i guess and they're willing to pay. The gross stuff has reduced, although its still not perfect. Pee diapers on the floor sometimes and clothes on the bathroom floor, some skid marks om the toilet but i have cleaner near it. We even had a night where we spent a couple hours all hanging out. Things are going the best they can be given the circumstances. We still are going to be saving to move out when we can, they are good friends just awful people to live with. I don't know if this will be my final update or post on the matter, but I'm pretty happy with how things are going