Should I save my carriers for the second baby?

I have a 6 month old and plan to have a second baby in 2-3 years. I didn’t really get into baby wearing with my first baby. We did the solly wrap for a little bit but aside from that he didn’t especially love being carried and I found my carriers (Infantino and Tula Free to … grow?) to be uncomfortable and overwhelming. I have a baby bjorn mini as well but baby was just too big for it by the time I got it. I also had a baby k’tan but also found it complicated.

I wasn’t even able to keep the baby in the Solly wrap for that long. My baby is also almost 20 lbs and the weather is only getting warmer so I don’t know if I will make any more attempts at baby wearing with him.

My question is, does it still make sense to hold on to my carriers for a second baby? Did anybody not use a carrier for the first baby and then need to use one for a second baby because they were both pushing a stroller and carrying a baby?

I live in a very small apartment and we have minimal storage space so I don’t want to hang onto something that I really won’t use.