I pre-ordered the $90 version of Avowed.

I am part of the crowd that is adamantly against preorders. I've never really been the one to preorder video games anyway (the times I have I did get burnt, Battlefront 2015 and Battlefront Classic Collection to name a couple), but seeing how companies have treated their customers over the last 10 years in regards to preorders and the states of their games on launch, I have always thought it was just a bad idea.

However, Obsidian is my favorite studio of all time. There hasn't been a single Obsidian game that I've played that I didn't like. Some have been worse than others, the Outer Worlds was probably my least favorite but it was still fairly enjoyable to me. I see Obsidian as sort of a light shining in the darkness in the game industry today. Even if they're not creating masterpieces like KOTOR 2 or Vegas anymore, I still see them as this very honest and consumer friendly company that isn't going to fuck over their fanbase for money. And to me, that's worth all the $ in the world. I didn't preorder this game because I think Avowed is going to be the best game ever. I certainly think it's going to be a good game. I hope. But I pre-ordered it because I wish to support one of the few studios left who still truly care. They're a company who's been treading the water financially since their inception, yet they've never resorted to underhanded tactics to inflate their profits. So from my perspective, as the consumer who's been treated fairly and been given some of my best memories in all of gaming by them, I see it fit to pay that back to them.

I wish all studios would follow their example, though I know that is a fantastical pipe dream. Anyways, my point in making this post is just to spark some discussion about the game:

Did you guys preorder or no? If so, why? If not, why? Do you think Avowed is going to be a great game? Just average? Or bad? 5 days away from advanced access, im pretty excited. I wanna hear what the communities feeling as well.