Request a user flair here


Often we get messages and comments from people requesting a specific user flair.We assign them manually when we have time. But since people are asking more frequently, we want to streamline things a little bit.

So, we are going to let this post come back periodically, most likely during a weekend.You can comment/request your userflair for 48 hours, after that we close the comments and we will make sure that everyone who requested a flair within that timespan gets theirs.

Some things to keep in mind:

  • No NSFW related flairs
  • Max of 64 letters (the user flair might not be completely visible on site tho)
  • Emoji's can be added; the standard emojis work and the few artist related emojis that we have.

Ofcourse you can always use u/avatarbot. To set a flair using the bot, reply with the command !setmyflair and the avatar title name as it appears on the list above.

If you are an existing RCA artist and you want your artist flair costumized (with an emoji of your own avatar), best shoot us a message via discord or modmail.

Please be a little patient, we will get to it as soon as we can!
